Ian Sutton

Ian also specialises in satellite data processing to assist conceptualisation and uses a variety of software tools to this end. Ian has extensive experience processing field data for numerical models, building and calibrating models, and post-processing results with clear visualisations. Ian has worked on several dewatering and pit slope depressurisation projects worldwide and is proficient using SEEP/W, Feflow,and AQTESOLV software. Ian has extensive fieldwork experience in remote locations globally, including several countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Scandinavia, Europe, South America, Asia, and Australia. Ian has designed several field programmes including the implementation of packer testing, VWP installation, stream survey, and borehole testing campaigns. Ian has a prominent level of spoken French and Spanish. He has run both online and in-person workshops on topics including open pit dewatering and pore pressure, remote sensing and GIS, and water resource management.