Camilo Morales

His experience and areas of interests focus on conventional, thickened and filtered tailings storage facilities projects, heap leach, spent ore dumps and high-rise waste rock dumps.

Camilo has two master's degrees, from the Universidad Católica of Chile and Imperial College London, in numerical modelling and seismic geotechnical engineering applied to dynamic stress-strain finite element models and flow in partially saturated conditions, respectively. 

Additionally, his experience includes the geotechnical characterization of sites participating in various field and laboratory campaigns, supervising sonic and diamond drilling, pit excavation, seismic geophysics, and laboratory tests for subsequent use of advanced constitutive models for numerical modeling.

Camilo has been a part-time lecturer at the Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering of the Universidad Católica of Chile, a geotechnical expert in legal arbitrations and has presented nearly 10 articles as the main author at conferences in Chile, the United States, Australia, Brazil, and Canada.